As we entered New Mexico on I-40 we listened to a Christian right-wing radio host berate the left and liberal attacks upon the doctor who announced that of course if all black babies were aborted the crime rate would effectively drop dramatically. He tried to defend the statement by declaring that it was said in the context of decrying abortion of any children. he just misses the boat, doesn't he? one may frame the statement with abhorrence of using abortion to mitigate crime in America, but the unspoken horror is the presumption that Africa American children all grow up to be criminals. That is the horror of his words and that is what anyone with a sense of morality has been horrified by, because we cannot group any race into a category of being criminal simply by their ethnic background. The very idea that this conversation is held at all leaves me with a dreadful noxious feeling of sour stomach and a desire to vomit upon all those who would defend this line of thought. Whatever happened to Christians? has their desire to 'save' others come to the point of any allowing racism to dictate their agenda and political propaganda? It certainly does seem so...
Mark awoke and I've been lectured for the lateness of the hour. He's right, I must be up early and driving to the Big Apple, 'cause I need a big bite of its' multiethnic sanity. God! Save us from Middle America!
Mark awoke and I've been lectured for the lateness of the hour. He's right, I must be up early and driving to the Big Apple, 'cause I need a big bite of its' multiethnic sanity. God! Save us from Middle America!
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