Tuesday, January 22, 2008

There and Back Again

Well, it's been forever since I posted anything here, and without any particular reason. Life has just been incredibly messy the last six or seven months and writing about politics or even personal matters has been the least of my concerns.

Christmas and New Years 2007 have come and gone and everything is changing and topsy turvy. Mom and Dad are hanging on despite their health. No news from any of the siblings. Even most of our friends seem to have dwindled away. perhaps lost n their own Financial troubles and emotional storms have swept away so many of those whom I had counted upon. The Church in her apparent wisdom has condemned my family as intrinsically evil - and sadly that freedom of speech seems to have encouraged so many, including strangers, to liberate themselves even from common courtesy towards Mark and I as a couple. 

Yet, I feel closer than ever before to my spouse, Mark. The hardships, I suppose, had two possibilities: either to confirm and strengthen our love or show that we had lost our connections. The peace I feel at the veracity of our love, especially in the face of adversity, is a great consolation. 

I wish I knew how to find that with my sister and brothers. I have at least managed to reestablish. I had finally asked them, after a long period of fear regarding the answer, whether they believed that the Church had stumbled in its inability to reach out the Gay community. I really thought that They would tell me the Church was right, but to my surprise they expressed such love for Mark and me, and a deep and genuine sorrow that those whom should exemplify Christ's love could sweepingly categorize us as wholly evil. Their support has given me so much joy and confirmed my belief that Christ's Vicar has misspoken and caused great harm to many, many loving men and women.

As the elections approach I pray that we will see a Democrat in office; we must move away from the Republican approach to government, which unfortunately has become theocratic, bigoted and non-inclusive of whole segments of American society. The ideals of freedom of religion and speech have been confused and muddied with a repressive form of fundalmentalism which wants to sweep away any idividual thought or way of life which it fears. The very mortar of our foundation is failing, not from the supposed erosion of family values by Gays and Lesbians, but from the deep seated hatred of the very persons whom decry Gay and Lesbian lives and families. Whom could believe that laws preventing homophobic abuse of school children would be decried as an encouragement to thwart religious belief? 

Additionally, stalwart idealolgy of Republican thought have been trampled by the current administration, including economics and even private gun ownership, now under threat by Bush and his cronies. It would not surprise me to see an attempt to order martial law prior to the elections, trumped up by some threat to our security. Any attempt to do so is, to me, a certain sign of Mr. Bush and his family and friends deliberately subjugating the Constitution for personal power.

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