Thursday, March 15, 2007

of Presidents and Preachers

I am leaning towards John Edwards as my choice for Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. Of the major contenders at this point he is the strongest voice against remaining in Iraq, and is opposed to allowing a further escalation of troops. Will he stick to these principals? Only time will tell...

However, I am still unaware of his position regarding same sex marriage. Both Hilary and Osama are opposed - so I am opposed to them; at least until one of them becomes the only choice between a single serving of evil versus a triple decker deluxe order...

An evangelical pastor, the Rev. R. Albert Mohler Jr., has upset both evangelicals and those of us who support GLBT equality in the civic arena. How? He has thrown on the table for the religious right that there may well be genetics involved in whether a person is homosexually orientated - that's a big 'no, no' for those who want to tell us that homosexuality is a choice, and that with enough prayer anyone can be cured. In this respect, Mohler's words are good news to those of us who believe a person's sexuality is indeed biologically based, and not a matter of choice.

However, Mohler, goes on to say that it would be well within a Christian parent's rights, upon discovery that there unborn child has a gay gene, to manipulate the fetus in order to eradicate in the unborn child that which is considered to be morally tainted.

Wow! this is just horrific on so many levels - are we to presume that anyone can isolate the cause of a person's sexuality so precisely that it can be eradicated or changed in vitro? I don't think so. So, the Christian right begins thoughts of 'playing God' with unborn children! If there was ever any doubt that the movement of the so called 'faith based communities' to change homosexuals was NOT based only in a blind rage to continue presenting the world it's own myopic view... well, your doubts should be put to rest. They are so anxious to prevent us being around that they'll experiment with fetuses! Good going, Dr. Mohler, another shining example of God's love expressed through His flock! NOT!

God gave me my sexuality as a gift - as surely as He gave my parents theirs. It is my individual right to decide how God wishes me to use that gift... and it is my burden to face Him at the end of my life with the fruits (no pun is intended!) of my labor, good or bad.

Methinks that it is time for a great number of 'holy' people to go back to their scripture basics, something about removing a log from their own eye before the splinter in mine... yes?

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