Saturday, March 03, 2007


When do we begin to die? A scientist will perhaps say it is the moment we are conceived that life begins inevitably to ebb from us. A priest may say it is when we ignore God. A doctor when the brain no longer functions. But I think it is more personal than any of these; death begins when we no longer hold a willingness to survive. And, that, despite rumors to the contrary, is not a place as easily reached as many believe.

It is a mysterious prosepct, this holding on and not letting go. Fingers must be pried from the sill. However much one may wish to die, what one is more likely to be saying is that one desperately wishes that life's present circumstances will change. It is only when we throttle all hope of the present becoming the past that we finally do concede, some place deep in our souls, that it would be better to be gone from the suffering we endure.

Sometimes, we reach this dark abode in transit, and it is then that a soul must not tarry. Swiftly, choose to move! Nearly anything will do. Even taking a shower may save one from the utter hopelessness of it all. Just stand, disrobe and step into the streaming water and wash away the moments death.

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