This mural was created in Los Angeles. It is to be found inside a turret, containing the main entrance stair for the home, and sweeps along the wall in a great arc from bottom to top. My inspiration came from eighteenth century French artists, who delight us with their asymmetrical rococo charms,

like Jean-Baptiste Pillement and Jean-Antoine Watteau, (his minor decorative work). This large work gives a bright, cheerful presentation of a parade of various animals costumed in human dress in revelry. The work interacts with more serious architectural renderings upon the walls of the main landing, and was intended to give the feeling of entering the interiors of the house from the garden. The painting style is loose and swiftly done in reminiscence of Fragonard's 'minute' portraits. This 'rushed' quality infuses the work with a feeling of movement & lighthearted charm. The revelers include two main characters, a handsome goat,

subtlety alluding to Pan, with a saddle upon his back, as if ready to give rides - perhaps to the host's guests, in need of being whisked away from the outside world for a little time. The other a monkey in gentleman's mid-eighteenth century costume, piping, referencing again the idea of a merry company. Near to the upper landing a second monkey has scrambled upon the 'architecture' and attempts to

lure a bird closer with his gesturing. A great red and white banner has been erected on spears, forcing them to serve the revelers as simply posts and indicating that at this pleasant gathering at which there is no need to brandish weaponry for peace reigns here. The background is accomplished with shrubs and trees, greatly softened and convincing the viewer that there is some expanse away and beyond, perhaps filled with yet more revelers moving onwards and upwards to the fete, staged just above and still out of reach... The overall intent of the work is to remind the homeowners guests that they may leave behind the outside worlds cares and burdens and, upon admittance to this special place, embark upon pleasant diversions while they remain guests. You may contact me, Don Larson, for your own decorative needs through Daedalus Fine Arts & Decoration, dwflarson@mac.com or 310.435.9433. I'll be happy to help you plan a design which reflects your image!
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