Friday, November 24, 2006


This Thanksgiving I sat to think about just what i have to be thankful for because I've been bitter about what we haven't had the last year here in new York city. The story is a long one, and most of you know it already - the evil doctor who doesn't keep her word in a single matter and, perhaps worse, has the social manners of gnats, has broken promise after promise regarding Mark's salary, his benefits, housing and furniture time and time again, including a Willimas Sonoma kitchen packed away in boxes in Los Angles Two fabulous Kitchen-Aid Mixers, one in Brushed stainless Steel and the 6 quart in Chrome, an $1600.00 Italian ice cream maker, my Duallit toaster, our sterling, and Herend,Wedgwood, Buccelatti, All Clad all over in every shape and size and Wustoff knives out the ying-yang! not a piece of it here, though.

Nevertheless, after a morning drive about Manhattan and watching the rain pour down, we came across a beautiful Episcopal Church, saved from the great fire of New York in 1801(?), corner stone laid in 1750 and finished and consecrated in 1799. Oh, and we have George, our old Bimmer, in working shape and in need of only some final primping and polishing - but over-all good. And I'm terribly grateful for our dear new kittens, M. Bouvier, 6 months, male and Mlle. Athenais Sophie, female, 12 months old. These two darlings are our blue velvet fur balls, turning to smoke or dusk or dove in various lights - full of vigor and love.

And my daughter, Joy Belin, a fine and wonderful young woman, whom I deeply love - despite her threats of feeding me only gruel in my old age. A wise young woman with a good mind and the ability to learn to be whomever she chooses.

But, last and most important I have my dearest husband, my spouse; a gentleman and a rogue in the best meanings of both those words, and I love him!!! I LOVE HIM!!! Mark, my Mark, has given to me everything I ever lost or never had, from childhood memories to conjugal bliss to the sharing of the mind - yes, in this man I have found my truest dearest love That one Love for all time, in all places before all men and God. A proud and holy love that honors each other and Jesus and that, that is what I am giving thanks for this year. I still have, even without a WWS kitchen my family and the HOME that family makes for me - and I for them..

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