Thursday, July 28, 2005

O comment je t'aime!

Antinous, Antinous - I keep thinking of all the new information which has been presented to me on some very formidable websites. The most involved is the one dedicated to Antinous as a deity one may still worship. It's very beautiful and romantic, and though it is not right for me, I can see the attraction. The worship of male beauty, youth, manliness and prowess of the the athlete and the hunter, the hand-boy of an Emperor. Yum! Check it out at, be properly respectful as this is a faith to these men... The Temple of Antinous. Beautiful. Another site give a clear and consice history of Hadrian and Antinous and their relationship and how Antinous, a humble village lad, becomes the last God of the Roman Pantheon...

Mark has downloaded the new Mac software 'Tiger' into my T. powerbook and I'm quite delighted with the new options and the new speed. Quickness! Lightfooted flying of HERMES seems to have inauguarated my tiring machine to a new existence. A super-deified computer, if you will...

Still the problems with the formatting for this site continue - I hope over the weekend to resolve some of these things and really be up and running. I need to focus more on the content as well. There should be a complimenatry theme with Antinous, I'm thinking religion and sex together. How they DO work together, instead of this hypocritical nonsense about ones sexuality, gay straight, bi or trans -it's an expression of the deepest workings of a person and one cannot attack it as though it is the choice of a lifestyle. As if you were decorating a house! Oh! Shall I have blue or lavendar silk in theis room as if you can translate that to Oh, can I fuck womwn and men or just one or the other, and when the silk and the present attraction are old hat one just tosses it aside and becomes sexually something else... preposturous!

I have been Queer from the moment I was born. At six I had a doll, very dear to me. In my teens I had great times with my sister and her barbies, and inventing stories. later we 'built' a restaurant, swagging bedspreads for drapes and table cloths to create an intimate Paris bistro. I love it all still today, I'm just considered good at design and it's not any longer a critiscm of my sexual being. Besides, screw them all if they can't take a china queen in allher glory. There problem these days!

So, if we meet and visit somdat you'll get atour of the old French armoire which holds my Bernardauad, my Sevres, my Wedgwood, my Met artist designed pieces, my Herend, etc. etc.

Billy, our roomate 1, has returned from ten days in Calgary for the MCC conference. he says it was marvelous, wonderful, and I'm very happy that he has had a respite from LA and a spiritual experience at services which moved him. These are the good things of life. I'm happy for the boy... man!

I have promises from my other roomy, Little Mike, in deference to our trainer who is "big Mike', of his modelling for me for some 'artitic' shots for my paintings. Very happy about this , um, comming up - he is striking and beautifull proportioned. he will be a truly inspirational subject to work with.

I've been presented with the following requests from my dear spouse, suggesting a VERY pleasent evening. Since it's a tad risque I will leave the translation to you...

"Je voudrais au va te faire foutre jusqu'à ce que votre âne ait été sanglant et vous m'avez prié de prendre mon robinet hors de votre âne. Je vous veux sur votre ventre avec votre âne magnifique rond offert jusqu'à moi. Ce qui précède est juste un début... parce que je veux faire l'amour avec vous pour des heures et des heures... jusqu'à ce que nous passions dehors dans les bras de chacun et le sillage là avec le nothingmore sur nos esprits que le faisant.

Oh comment je souhaite que je pourrais parler français ainsi moi pourrait chuchoter les phrases ci-dessus dans vos oreilles. comme j'ai mâché sur lui et nuzzled les... < grimace >

Oh comment je t'aime...


So much for the world's turn today.... and damn swell after a seventeen year marriage! La passion n'est pas mort! A tout les glories de Dieu de mon coeur! Baisons>>> Adieu

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