Nevertheless, here we are, and in a few days I do believe I will find some of that elusive PEACE I keep hunting. The house is large, too, large, but light filled and airy. It's a tad 'neuvo riche' in it's expansive layout, and certainly a contractor, not an architect, designed and built it... it lacks the simplicity and detailing of a genuine beauty. Nevertheless, in it's slightly garish charm, and rather too well hidden bones, still lurk the possibility of order from chaos. What's more, after nearly being homeless I cannot seriously complain at all. We have a home! More than we could have hoped for and located in the most beautiful of natural preserves.

The chaparral comes within feet of the house; it's mesquite, ocotillo, sahuaro very green indeed this year. Cotton tails, jack rabbits, mule deer, hawks, a falcon have been seen - and the coyotes heard. Perhaps a mountain cat roams near? Quail, roadrunners, all of nature is here and whether gentle or deadly it's awful beauty fascinates and calms and excites all at once. Peace. Some peace at last.

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