My dearest, sweetest Athenais is in 'heat', or more correctly, estrus. I just grieve for her discomfort. She first becomes rather affectionate, and then begins pacing, and bleating. It is not a 'meow', nor is it it a hiss or snarl, it is, like a sheep, a bleat. If you or I were to say 'hmm' and add a slight clearing of the throat to it, that would be close, but not the sound exactly. There is no sound that is like it, exactly. I believe even amongst cats, no one cries in estrus quite like our dear Athenais Sophie!
I cannot imagine what her tiny body is going through - it wants to make babies, of course. Everything in Athenais' tiny wee body is crying out to perform its natural duty of reproduction. She wants to mate, not for the enjoyment of love making, but because her core being, down to her very molecules, is crying out to reproduce offspring, to perpetuate here gene pool, to give the world more kittens!
I will say that Miss Athenais would make a magnificent mother. Should she have a litter, she would do everything to make certain each little blind ball of scarcely any fur was fed her warm rich milk from her swollen teats, and each then licked and washed to a fare-the-well before curling about her wee charges and sleeping as they slept with her. If one should stir or cry, she would nuzzle the bambino, two or three good swipes of her corse tongue, and push it towards a milk engorged nipple; or let it fall back asleep with it's siblings.
This is the mother my dearest Athenais would make, and somehow, despite the agreement I've signed and the knowledge of countless unwanted kittens who shall never have homes, when I hear my dearest litter girl bleat for her children to be I want nothing more than to rush out and find her a sire.
I will not of course. I will keep my agreements, and as soon as finances permit, I will have my darling Athenais spade. Some fewer kittens will come into an unwelcoming world - and that is a good thing.
But someday, in our life after together, we will do things naturally, and my sweet natured, energetic and life bursting-out-of-her darling Athenais will have the chance to give birth and nurture as she was intended by God's grace to do...
Until then, Athenais and I will bear what we must, together, until this estrus has passed!
I cannot imagine what her tiny body is going through - it wants to make babies, of course. Everything in Athenais' tiny wee body is crying out to perform its natural duty of reproduction. She wants to mate, not for the enjoyment of love making, but because her core being, down to her very molecules, is crying out to reproduce offspring, to perpetuate here gene pool, to give the world more kittens!
I will say that Miss Athenais would make a magnificent mother. Should she have a litter, she would do everything to make certain each little blind ball of scarcely any fur was fed her warm rich milk from her swollen teats, and each then licked and washed to a fare-the-well before curling about her wee charges and sleeping as they slept with her. If one should stir or cry, she would nuzzle the bambino, two or three good swipes of her corse tongue, and push it towards a milk engorged nipple; or let it fall back asleep with it's siblings.
This is the mother my dearest Athenais would make, and somehow, despite the agreement I've signed and the knowledge of countless unwanted kittens who shall never have homes, when I hear my dearest litter girl bleat for her children to be I want nothing more than to rush out and find her a sire.
I will not of course. I will keep my agreements, and as soon as finances permit, I will have my darling Athenais spade. Some fewer kittens will come into an unwelcoming world - and that is a good thing.
But someday, in our life after together, we will do things naturally, and my sweet natured, energetic and life bursting-out-of-her darling Athenais will have the chance to give birth and nurture as she was intended by God's grace to do...
Until then, Athenais and I will bear what we must, together, until this estrus has passed!

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