It is a sad day in our household for Prop 8 passed in California. I stayed in bed all of Wednesday, because even with Obama being elected, and that is a great joy, my feelings are just crushed. Some speculate that it was the religious Black Vote which swung the anti-gay amendment into place, a fundamentalist community within which it is still not OK to be Out and Gay. They are very pro-Obama but very anti-Gay. Others say it was the Latino vote, for much the same reasons. Personally, I blame, at least in part, Obama himself, who refused to loudly decry the amendment during his campaign. His statements against prop 8 were made only quietly and to venues in which he already knew there was support for same sex marriage. (i.e. his interview to young voters via MTV).
Whatever the reason for its win Prop 8 it is a dismal gut wrenching blemish on the fair State of California, a State which is usualy renowned for its liberalism and insight of social issues. We have immediately filed suit, of course, to prevent the amendment from taking force. Will our court battle succeed? I do not know. But I am not giving up the fight. I believe whole heartedly that even should it take root for now, it will eventually be torn from enshrinement not only in the California Cobstitution but that of all the States as well. America is on a new path with new leadership and eventually it will be seen that such blatant discrimination against a whole segment of American society cannot and will not be tolerated for the long term.